Companies with high misconduct rates underperform by 20%.

We manage your company's risk and maintain profitability.

Just one mismanaged workplace harassment incident can impact a company's profits, investor prospects, reputation, culture and more. Work Shield is a fixed cost solution for dealing with and solving workplace harassment and discrimination that protects your bottom line and your employees.

Improve Profitability

Work Shield partners have fewer incidents and faster resolutions to maintain productivity, improve employee retention and improve profitability.

Fixed Cost Solution

Our partners pay a per employee, per month flat fee for all of our services. Including incident reporting, investigations and resolution recommendations.

Access Legal Professionals

As part of our monthly fee, have access to Work Shield-certified legal professionals at a fraction of the cost of outside counsel.

Lower EPLI Costs

Work Shield prevents incidents from escalating to legal action, lowering EPLI-associated costs for your company.

Powerful legal protection.

Harassment and discrimination training, incident reporting platforms and anonymous hotlines are not enough to protect employees or employers. In fact, if your company is still managing harassment and discrimination internally, it is at a greater risk of facing legal action.

Work Shield is the only solution in the market that significantly reduces an organization's risk of legal suits and EEOC charges and investigations.

Work Shield bolsters affirmative defense and provides a more defensible position.

Reliable and Accessible Complaint Procedures

Prompt and Thorough Investigations of Harassment

Comprehensive, Tested System for Responding to Complaints

Qualified Resource to Effectively Manage Incidents

Neutral, Independent and Well-Trained Investigators

Bottom line impact.

A Fortune 500 company loses $6.7 million per year due to harassment and its impact, including absenteeism, turnover, EEOC investigations, settlements and more.

Empowering your employees fosters a healthy culture of respect, diversity, increased productivity and long-term retention. It also helps your bottom line.

Our partners typically see an ROI of TEN TO ONE.