An everybody wins situation.

We lower harassment risks across the board.

Whether it's managing an incident internally or facing litigation, eight out of ten companies will deal with harassment issues every year.

But when companies manage harassment and discrimination internally, it puts employees and itself at greater risk of recurring harassment, hefty legal fees and litigation, low morale, absenteeism and more.

Work Shield is the only real way to effectively lower risk for everyone. In fact, our solution is so effective, our partners typically see an ROI of ten to one.

Work Shield supports EEOC guidance.

The EEOC supports a holistic approach to managing workplace harassment and discrimination. The organization says employee training and reporting hotlines are not enough to protect employees or mitigate risk for employers.

With Work Shield's complete solution, companies protect themselves and their employees by following EEOC best practices for managing and dealing with harassment and discrimination.

Reliable and Accessible Complaint Procedures

Prompt and Thorough Investigations of Harassment

Comprehensive, Tested System for Responding to Complaints

Qualified Resource/Staff to Effectively Manage Incidents

Neutral, Independent and Well-Trained Investigators

Work Shield works for everyone.

Work Shield is the only independent and unbiased complete solution. With our efficient and effective reporting, investigations and resolutions, we help empower employees, identify harassment earlier, resolve incidents sooner, lower the risk of legal action and more.

For Employees


We are caring professionals who listen to your concerns and conduct incident investigations without bias.

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For Employers


Work Shield is a fixed cost solution that lowers your legal risk and protects your company's culture.

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For Consultants


Bring a cutting-edge solution to the table that helps ensure your client's continued success.

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Get benefits on every level.

  1. Empower Employees

    Work Shield offers employees a stronger voice with a safe, immediate and impartial platform to ensure concerns are heard, investigated and resolved without the fear of retaliation.
  2. Preserve Cultures

    Work Shield partners with employers to foster a positive and open workplace culture comprised of integrity and trust.
  3. Preserve Profitability

    Empowering your employees with Work Shield encourages a healthy culture of mutual respect and trust, increasing employee engagement and long-term retention.
  4. Mitigate Risk

    By leveraging our Work Shield-certified legal professionals who thoroughly and effectively manage investigations and resolutions, employers mitigate risk and strengthen affirmative defense.
  5. Improve Productivity

    Our Work Shield-certified legal professionals efficiently and effectively manage and resolve incidents from start to finish, with as little disruption to the workplace as possible